
5 Ways You Can Sell Real Estate During COVID-19 Safely and Effectively

To sell real estate during the coronavirus pandemic, you need to adapt to the world of virtual real estate. Don’t panic! Your buyers are already tuned into online real estate: Eighty-four percent of home buyers used the internet to search for homes in 2019, according to the National Association of Realtors.

HomeJab can help you list your home on the market and get qualified buyers quickly! Here are 5 insider tips for selling real estate during the coronavirus pandemic:

1. Digitize Your Home Tours With Virtual Showings

Virtual home tours are a perfect example of the possibilities of real estate tech. There are a few different methods for virtual real estate showings you will want to try with social distancing in mind. On your phone or laptop, use telecommunication apps like Zoom, GoToMeeting, and Skype to show your house without risking your health. Use these applications to video chat, experience HomeJab 3D real estate tours together, and more. 

When on a laptop or desktop computer, use screen sharing to personalize virtual walkthroughs. With screen sharing, you can see what the buyer sees from their home computer. Of course, the added benefit to this is that only truly interested buyers will need to physically tour the home, which is a win for social distancing.

2. Sky’s the Limit: Use Aerial Videos to Tour the Neighborhood

More than 40 percent of all home buyers want to see more information about the neighborhood from individual online home listings, according to the National Association of Realtors. Take your tour to the next level with a bird’s-eye view of the house and neighborhood in a convenient HomeJab video package. We know that interior 3D views can be impressive, but they don’t speak to the nuances of the neighborhood and surroundings.

Our real estate drone technology is a safe, stunning, and effortless way to show how the home fits into the big picture of the neighborhood. With HomeJab’s aerial video equipment, we can shoot video footage in high definition, soaring 100 to 400 feet above the property.

3. The Quality of Your Visuals Should Be Good, Not Too Good to Be True

Anyone can use photo editing tricks to make online home listings look better than they actually do, with greener grass and cleaner carpets, but that won’t get you the sale you need. Not only does over-editing lead to mistrust in real estate, it attracts misguided buyers who have high hopes for the too-good-to-be-true listing, not what you are actually showing.

Keep editing minimal by setting up the house for a virtual tour ahead of time, and focus on making the natural features of your property stand out. This is one reason we use HDR photography at HomeJab: It’s a true-to-life take on real estate photography.

4. Physical Inspection Tips: Better Safe Than Sorry

There are some parts of the home buying and selling processes that must be done in person, so this is where you will need to take extra physical precaution. Providing a safe and clean space for home inspectors, appraisers, and photographers is not just a smart precaution— It’s a moral obligation during these unprecedented times! 

Use this list of guidelines from the CDC on cleaning and disinfecting your home before any scheduled assessments, and for any meetings you must handle in person.

5. E-Seal the Deal With Virtual Closings

Internet communication is one size fits most, with the majority of homeowners and potential buyers looking for homes online. Every property listing will be unique, but the majority of documents required for selling homes can be transferred online, from the title, to mortgage documents, and closing agreements. We can even help you safely wire transfer funds to you from your lucky buyer! Physical checks aren’t necessary.

HomeJab Will Help Your Virtual Real Estate Listing Sell

As you can see, so much of the home selling and buying process can easily be done online. Leave your worries behind when you work with HomeJab in the new virtual reality. 

If you are a real estate professional looking to provide virtual showings to your clients, please click button below.


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