
5 Common Mistakes Agents Make With Real Estate Photography

5 common mistakes agents make

Photography sets the initial tone for your listing, serving as the prospective buyer’s first impression. It’s paramount to nail this part of the process. However, despite its significance, many agents unknowingly make common mistakes that diminish their property’s appeal. 

In this guide, we’ll delve into five of the most common mistakes agents make with real estate photography and offer actionable tips to ensure your listings make a good first impression.

Avoid these real estate photography errors

If you want your new listing to stand out in a competitive market, there is no room for cutting corners. Buyers expect to see stunning visuals that highlight the unique selling points of a home before they even step foot on the property.

Unfortunately, not every agent takes advantage of high-end real estate photos, videos and interactive tours to generate immediate interest. And if they do, they don’t always invest in the right photographer or equipment to get the job done properly. 

As a result, their listings may lack the wow factor needed to attract new buyers’ attention online, potentially leading to a prolonged period on the market. The following are the most frequent mishaps agents make in regards to real estate photography: 

Not hiring a professional

One of the most common mistakes agents make is choosing to take property photos themselves instead of hiring a professional photographer. While it may seem cost-effective, amateur photography often fails to capture the full potential of the property. 

Professional photographers have the skills, equipment, and expertise to highlight the home’s best features and create visually appealing images that attract potential buyers at first glance. Moreover, experienced photographers understand the art of using lighting and angles to convey the character of each space, making rooms appear larger, brighter, and more inviting. 

Forgetting to stage

Another common mistake is neglecting the staging process before photographing it. Staging involves arranging furniture, decor, and accessories to showcase the property in its best possible light. 

A recent survey confirmed 81% of real estate agents said staging made it easier for a buyer to visualize a property as their future home. Having high-quality images of the staging only amplifies the impact, allowing buyers to see the property’s full potential.

Not enough photos

Some agents make the mistake of including too few photos in their listings, thinking that less is more. But the truth is potential buyers want to see as much of the property as possible before making a decision to schedule a viewing. 

Limiting the number of photos can leave buyers feeling uninformed and less likely to inquire further about the property. It’s essential to include a full selection of photos, videos, or aerial images that present all aspects of the property, both inside and out.


While editing is an important part of the photography process, some real estate agents make the mistake of over-editing their photos. Excessive editing can lead to unrealistic or unnatural-looking images that fail to accurately represent the property. 

Ideally, you’d want to strike a balance between enhancing the photos for visual appeal and maintaining their authenticity. It’s best to avoid heavy-handed editing techniques and aim for a clean, polished look that accurately reflects the home or commercial property.

Failing to highlight key features

Lastly, there are agents who overlook the significance of showcasing certain features in real estate photography. These details include must-have features like modern appliances, updated fixtures, spacious closets, recent repairs, or luxurious amenities that add to the home’s value. 

If you include these details in the property listing photos, you can instantly set your property apart from others on the market. In the end, it’s crucial to remain attuned to the preferences of potential buyers and allow that to shape your decision with real estate photography.

Recap of the best real estate photography practices

By sidestepping these common mistakes, you can elevate your listing above the competition, and drive more interest to your property. While you may be inclined to still do the DIY-approach, it’s crucial to recognize the value that professional photography brings to your listing. 

Investing in high-quality images can significantly enhance the appeal of your property and increase your chances of a successful sale. As real estate agents, there’s no greater goal than ensuring your clients’ properties receive the attention they deserve and ultimately sell for the best possible price.

Have you ever found yourself making one of these common real estate photography errors? Perhaps you’ve underestimated the impact of amateur photography or failed to showcase important features effectively. Whatever the case, share your experiences and insights in the comments below.

Additionally, feel free to ask any questions you may have about improving your real estate photography game. Or you can explore another insightful HomeJab feature on how professional photography can effectively close real estate leads.

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