
How Can Real Estate Agents Stand Out?

how can real estate agents stand out

In today’s competitive market, real estate agents need to make use of a wide array of tools to promote themselves. This can include everything from partnering with local businesses to creating professional content for their social media feeds. With the following tips, real estate agents can stand out from their competition and attract new clients.

Real estate agents should position themselves as local experts

In order for your prospects and clients to see that you are a local expert, they need proof.  This can come in many forms: online reviews (e.g. Facebook, Google), testimonials from past customers and/or colleagues and participation in community events.

Top real estate agents participate in the community.  Realtors are often known as “community builders,” and not without reason.  They have a vested interest in keeping their clients happy and providing them with a high-quality living experience.  If you want to be seen as an integral part of the local area, there are plenty of ways to do so. One way is by volunteering at charities or other causes that are important to you; another way might be attending local events, such as concerts or sporting matches; still another might be participating in local government by running for office!

real estate agents and real estate photogrpahy

Partner with other local businesses

Partnering with other local businesses can be an effective way for agents to promote themselves. For example, there are many restaurants in your area that would appreciate being able to showcase their cuisine on social media. They may also want you to share any new items that they have added to the menu.

Similarly, many local stores will be happy if they can get more customers through their door.  This is especially true if they offer products used by home buyers like hardware stores.  Partnering with these businesses by promoting them online will be a win-win for both sides.

Agents should create original content and update their social media feeds often

Content is king, as the saying goes. This is a truism that applies to real estate and any other business.  It’s especially true for real estate agents who are trying to use social media marketing to attract new clients.

The reason content is so important in this industry is that buyers and sellers of homes need information about the market before they make their decision. If there isn’t enough information available, they may feel hesitant about buying or selling their property—and if you’re an agent trying to sell them your services, then you’re going to have a hard time convincing them of your value when all they see are generic listings with bland descriptions and no unique content.

Make sure your content is original. In order to do this, check out how many of the top ranking pages have similar titles or descriptions as yours and see if there is any overlap between the words used in their meta tags versus those used in yours. If there is overlapping text between competing pages then it may be worth considering changing yours up a bit to separate yourself from the rest of the pack!

You want to share your content at different times of day: like in the morning when people are waking up or ready for their afternoon coffee break; or after work so it’s fresh in their minds; or even late at night when everyone’s winding down from a long day.  Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to social media.

stand out as a professional real estate agent

Real estate agents need to stay in touch with their clients

Real estate agents need to stay in touch with their clients, both on a personal level and through digital marketing.

It’s important for real estate agents to be accessible to their clients whenever they have questions or concerns about the home buying or selling process. This means that you should make sure that your client knows how to reach you at all times by providing them with different ways of contacting you. When it comes down to it, reliability is one of the key attributes of a great real estate agent.

Social media is a great way to interact with clients, other agents, potential clients and partners. You can use it to keep in touch with people you already know—even those who might not be ready to buy or sell today but are likely to do so in the near future. And it’s also a great way to meet new prospects as well as get involved in industry-related conversations about industry trends.

stand out as a real estate agent - aerial real estate photography

Agents should make sure their listings are professionally photographed

Professional real estate photography is a great way to showcase your listings. But. these days, photos alone are not enough to stand out from the crowd.

At HomeJab, we not only provide our customers with the highest quality HDR photos, we also produce all kinds of high-end visual content including professional walkthrough videos, immersive 3D interactive tours, floorplan creation, affordable virtual staging, and turnkey aerial services.

Videos are a great way for real estate agents to stand out online and promote themselves as experts in their field. One good way to do this is by creating real estate videos that show off your listings.  You can also produce videos that highlight the neighborhoods you specialize in or a quick commercial about your team.  If you’re not comfortable making videos yourself, consider hiring an experienced professional real estate photography company like HomeJab.

Digital media is an essential part of any online listing and will help buyers visualize what it would be like to live in the home they’re looking at buying.  This is even more important today, in the post-Covid world, where consumers expect and appreciate virtual content.

Whether you’re writing a blog post, creating social media content, or sending out email newsletters, your goal should be to connect with your audience on a personal level. The content you share should be of value to them in some way—either it helps them solve a problem or it brings them joy.

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