
The 8 Most Common Types of Edits in Real Estate Photography

Virtual dusk twilight real estate photo editing

When it comes to selling real estate, image is everything. High-quality real estate photographs can attract more buyers, leading to quicker sales and higher closing prices.

However, even the best photographers might not capture a property in its best light due to weather, lighting, or other unforeseen circumstances. That’s where real estate photo editing comes into play.

Here are eight transformative editing techniques that can make your real estate listings exceptionally appealing.

1. Blue Sky Replacement – It’s Always Sunny at HomeJab

A gloomy sky can make even the most beautiful property look dull and uninviting. Blue sky replacement can uplift the entire aesthetic of the photograph, offering a sunny and welcoming atmosphere. It sends a psychological signal to the potential buyers that the property is cheerful and inviting.

blue sky replacement real estate photo editing

2. Green Grass – Timing is Everything

Brown, patchy lawns can be a major turn-off. A lush green lawn, however, can transform the entire look of the exterior.

It’s important to maintain ethical boundaries here: if the property doesn’t have grass, it would be misleading to add it digitally. But enhancing existing grass to appear greener depending on the season is a common and ethical edit.

green grass real estate photo edit

3. Remove Cars and Garbage Cans from Driveway

The focus of the photograph should be the property, not the cars or garbage cans in the driveway. Removing such distractions makes the property the center of attention. This ensures that potential buyers aren’t preoccupied with extraneous elements that don’t actually come with the property.

4. Remove Other Items from Interior

A cluttered space looks smaller and less appealing. Removing loose cables, magnets on the fridge, or any personal items can help the property appear spacious and tidy. This allows potential buyers to envision their own lives in the space, rather than getting caught up in the current homeowner’s clutter.

Remove objects and clutter real estate photo editing

5. Virtual Staging – An Empty Room’s Best Friend

An empty home can seem lifeless and may make it difficult for buyers to visualize its potential. Virtual staging can furnish these empty spaces with stylish furniture and decor.

This method isn’t limited to empty homes; it can also replace outdated furniture or even allow potential buyers to see what a room might look like with a complete virtual renovation.

virtual staging photo edit

6. Virtual Twilight – Light Up the Imagination

Photos featuring a home lit up against a twilight sky have a higher click-through rate on online listings. They capture attention and offer a different, more dramatic view of the property.

Virtual twilight editing can recreate this effect without the need for a second photography session during the evening, saving both time and money.

virtual twilight real estate photo

7. Add Brightness and Contrast – Make It Pop

Bright, vivid photos are more eye-catching than their dull, dark counterparts. Adjusting the brightness and contrast can make the colors pop and give the entire image a fresh, inviting feel. It can make the difference between a prospective buyer scrolling past your listing or clicking to learn more.

8. Blur Car License Plates and Faces – Privacy Matters

Last but not least, it’s crucial to blur out any identifiable information like car license plates or faces captured in the frame. This isn’t just a courtesy; it’s often a legal requirement to protect people’s privacy and security.

Editing plays an essential role in real estate photography, often serving as the invisible hand that shapes buyer perception. While it’s important to maintain an ethical approach, skillful editing can dramatically enhance the appeal of your listings, leading to quicker sales and satisfied clients.

Whether you’re an agent, a homeowner, or a photographer, these common types of edits can serve as your go-to guide for creating compelling real estate photographs.

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