
Giving Thanks: A Real Estate Photographer’s List of Gratitude

Real Estate Photography Thanksgiving

As we approach Thanksgiving, it’s a time for reflection and gratitude. At HomeJab, we’re profoundly thankful for the opportunity to do what we love every day.

We’re grateful for our health, which allows us to explore and capture the beauty of various properties, and for the continuous learning journey that the ever-evolving real estate and technology markets offer us.

While we cherish these profound blessings, we also want to share a lighter side of our gratitude. In the world of real estate photography, certain tools and experiences make our work not just efficient, but enjoyable.

So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving and with a touch of humor, here are a few things we, as real estate photographers, find ourselves thankful for.

thanksgiving real estate photographer

Wide-Angle Lenses

First and foremost, we’re thankful for wide-angle lenses. These miraculous pieces of equipment have the power to transform the smallest studio apartment into a seemingly spacious wonderland. They remind us that in photography, as in life, perspective is everything.

Motorized Gimbals

Next up are motorized gimbals. Gone are the days of laying down sliders in every room. These handy tools save us time and allow for smooth, almost ethereal footage that makes our video tours captivating.

Sunny Days

We can’t forget to give a shout-out to sunny days. Natural light truly is the best way to showcase a home’s beauty, highlighting every detail in the most flattering way. These days not only brighten our photos but also our spirits.

Homeowners Who Declutter

A big thank you to all the homeowners who understand that less is more. Decluttering before a shoot not only makes our job easier but also helps potential buyers envision themselves in the space. It’s a win-win!

thanksgiving real estate photography


Drones have changed the game in real estate photography. They’ve made aerial shots accessible for properties of all budgets, adding a touch of luxury and a unique perspective that captivates viewers.


Where would we be without GPS? Probably lost in the suburbs, that’s where. We’re grateful for this technology that guides us seamlessly from one shoot to the next, saving us invaluable time and keeping us on schedule.


Our editors deserve a special mention. Their skill in enhancing photos, from turning grey skies blue to perfecting the lighting in each room, is nothing short of magical. Their work allows us photographers to relax and spend precious time with our families.

Real Estate Agents

Last but certainly not least, we’re thankful for real estate agents. Their hustle and dedication in securing listings provide us with beautiful subjects to capture. They’re the starting point of our creative process.

As we gather around our Thanksgiving tables this year, let’s remember these unsung heroes and tools that make our work as real estate photographers not just successful, but also deeply fulfilling.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and here’s to capturing more beautiful spaces in the times to come!

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