
Photography Basics

Real Estate Photography Pricing: Standard vs. Luxury HDR

HomeJab’s real estate photography pricing is based on two types of packages:  Standard & Luxury.  Luxury photography uses advanced HDR (High Dynamic Range) techniques that produce the most true-to-life and vibrant colors possible.  During a luxury photo shoot, photographers take an over-exposed photo and an under-exposed photo (light and dark) along with a standard exposure.  These …

Real Estate Photography Pricing: Standard vs. Luxury HDR Read More »

Aerial Drone Real Estate Photography: What Everyone Ought To Know

Aerial drone real estate photography helps to sell homes Many home buyers these days are searching for real estate outside of their current location.  What this means is, people are looking for more information so they can make better informed decisions before visiting the home.  Drone technology effectively gives every consumer a handheld tour of the property’s …

Aerial Drone Real Estate Photography: What Everyone Ought To Know Read More »

How Real Estate Photographers Profit from the “Sharing Economy”

If you are a professional photographer, videographer or film producer, there is a great way to increase your income in a fast and fun industry: real estate.  The real estate market has changed over the years, with brokers and property owners seeking out impactful ways to make their properties stand out from the pack.  Improvements …

How Real Estate Photographers Profit from the “Sharing Economy” Read More »

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